Wednesday 3 June 2015

City of Glass | Book Review

I know I'm insanely late to the TMI fandom but with all this Shadowhunter TV show hype I recently decided to jump on the band wagon and read the book series. I will do an overall review of the series soon as I am almost finished, but for now I thought I'd review City of Glass as it is one of my favourites within the number 1 best selling book series The Mortal Instruments.

Will contain SPOILERS...

In City of Glass we finally get to see Idris and really delve into Clary and Jace's unique gifts. We start off with bucket loads of tension still between Clary and Jace... Just the way I like it. For real though only Cassandra Clare could make you both whole heartedly ship incest (Clary&Jace) and then find it revolting (Clary&Sebastian) within the same book. However we do finally find out that thankfully Clary and Jace are in fact not related and can finally stop hiding their feelings in front everyone they know. The story builds up to the immanent war that Valentine starts and Clary manages to stop by joining shadowhunters and downworlders and gets a little help for a certain angel named Raziel.

So lets talk characters, there are a few new secondary characters and then there is the introduction of Sebastian! has to be one of the most hated characters in history but perhaps i'm getting ahead of myself in terms of his role in this book. Sebastian is revealed to be the real Jonathan Morgenstern who has been infused with demon blood and is literally the most aggravating and cruel human being... if you can even call him human. But he does die at then end... *Cough* *Cough*
We also say a very sad farewell to Max in this book.

But hey lets talk CLACE! It sounds so wrong but I honestly love how much tension the whole brother sister thing causes! I mean that seen in the Seelie Court in CoA! in CoG though I think my favourite exchanges between them are when Clary first finds Jace in Idris and they have a somewhat heated argument. Then when they get the whitebook from Jace's childhood home and almost cross the incest line so to speak. Thankfully though they aren't related so I don't have to be ashamed of myself for shipping incest! I honestly don't think I would have coped at the end when Jace, shall we say temporarily dies, had I not know that there were another 3 books to go.

And ofcourse I can't not mention the amazing Malec scenes we get CoG. When they Alec saves Magnus in Idris and all he can think about is the fact that Magnus didn't call him back! so cute.

For me City of Glass definitely achieves a 10/10, as I mentioned already it is one of, if not my favourite in the whole series. I f you are even slightly interested in the fantasy genre then you WILL love this series and you should certainly go out and buy it. 
What did you think of CoG, which book is your favourite? 


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