Wednesday 10 June 2015

City of Heavenly Fire | Book Review

Finally finished City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare! I'm SO sad that its over! At least i've got TID to keep me topped up on a shadowhunter high.

Will contain SPOILERS...

So many great things happened in this book and it was a great end to the phenomenal series. First off CoHF introduced Emma, Jules, and the rest of the blackthorns in an action packed prologue. I can't wait for The Dark Artifices cos you know there's gonna be hella parabatai forbidden love tension with Emma and Jules. There were also a whole load TID references which I couldn't fully appreciate as I am yet to read the series, but now i'm really excited to get started on them.  

I really loved that Clary and Jace were finally together like a semi- normal couple and for once there was nothing standing between them! This book was just full of amazing OTP interactions, so much Sizzy, Malec, and Clace. All the scenes in the cave in Edom were amazing, overflowing with bonding and relationship developments, Alec and Jace had a heart to heart and Sizzy had some really cute moments. I mean we finally got some Clace action, after SIX books, SIX! In all seriousness though it was such a cute scene and I just love that Jace remembered to pack a condom, even for a trip into Hell.

Lets talk deaths though. First off was Jordan, now I really did not see this one coming, I
mean I know he wasn't a major character but I just wasn't expecting his death when it happened. I felt so bad for Maia and she had the added guilt that she wasn't able to have been honest with him just before he died and it was too late... although that was probably better for Jordan, being dumped and dieing in the same day would've been rough. Secondly we had Raphael, again it was a surprise exit but once again I wasn't that bothered because I never liked him all that much, I know other people did but I always though he was only ever in it for his own gain. I'm sure if I get any back story on him from The Bane Chronicles or something my opinion will change. Lastly, finally, and most satisfyingly was Sebastian AKA Jonathan. I had worked out that the heavenly fire was in Clary's sword and was so pleased she got to be the one to deliver the final blow after all the horrid things he did to her. It was really nice to see him as the boy he would have been though, just before he finally drifted away. It was such a sad scene and reminded you that it wasn't his fault that he was the way he was, whilst he was evil it was all down to Valentine's twisted experiments.  

I found the ending so intense and so many things started going through my mind, firstly Magnus is going to sacrifice himself and I was like 'noooo', and then Simon offers because he's still just 16 and I was like 'phew', and then Asmodeus wants to take Simon's memory and I was back to 'noooo!'. But when we saw Simon's band's poster called The Mortal Instruments I got such feels and chills, it was so cute. The only thing is that by that point I had come to terms with the whole Simon thing and I do kind of like a bitter sweet and somewhat tragic ending to books sometimes, but then I was really glad for Izzy. And THANK GOD Malec finally reunited and told eachother what they were feeling and got back together, I was so worried that the book would end with Alec having died and leaving poor Magnus distraught and alone, but no, Malec lives on.

I loved how happy everyone was at then end, all of them coupled together around the lake and Jace taking the Herondale name. I felt so happy for them that they'd finally come out the other end after so much war and heartbreak. As always I recommend CoHF and obviously the entire series. So glad I decided to join this fandom. 

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