Tuesday 11 November 2014

Tips For Dealing With Stress

I find I am prone to becoming stressed and suffering from a number of anxieties from time to time so I thought I would share one of the ways I try to cope when i'm feeling really bogged down with things. I have no idea if this will be helpful to anyone but here goes!

It will usually come to me at night when I just cant switch my brain off and i'm trying to simultaneously contemplate about 10 different things which are stressing me out and I just cant get a clear thought or solution as I have too many things on my mind.
I have found writing a list of the things i'm stressing about very effective. Firstly seeing it all written down makes it actually appear as though I have less to worry about than when it was all jumbled in my mind and secondly it allows me to deal with each issue individually and if need be I can just jot down next to the problem how i'm going to solve it, when exactly I need to deal with it and when it is going to become a priority situation.
I think by having it written down it clears it from your mind as it is allowing you to store the information somewhere else.

Again I am not an expert and this is just what I personally do, hope this might be able to help anyone else feeling under pressure and as though their mind might explode and result in a gargantuan meltdown.  

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