Thursday 13 November 2014

Dracula Untold Movie Review

I have watched and become obsessed with pretty much every vampire related TV show and movie so naturally I could not wait to see this film.

Firstly I was excited to see Luke Evans as the lead, for one he is amazing in another of my obsessions THE HOBBIT and two he is one fine human being to look at.

As the film began I got a real 300 feel, the way the opening described the main characters brutal upbringing and how he developed into a strong leader feared by his foes. I appreciate many people may have found the movie to be somewhat predictable given that its the story of Dracula, and lets face it i think we all know how that goes... But i think it was still an exciting action packed movie and I absolutely loved the battle scenes, I mean who doesn't think a man taking down an entire army single handedly isn't the coolest thing ever!

Charles Dance (Game of Thrones' Tywin Lannister, may he rest in peace) plays the Vampire who created Dracula and does a great job of coming across as sinister and creepy in my opinion.

I loved the story line and how everything was set up and I think the v
isuals and special effects were EXCEPTIONAL, however I was slightly confused when Dracula had to send his child away to stop the other vampires eating him when only a few seconds later he killed them all himself, but hey i'm all for the dramatics so I can forgive that one.

I really loved the end scene, bringing the movie into modern day and showing Dracula still alive and well, then cutting to Charles Dances character looking all stern and following his every move. All this has the perfect set up for a sequel, There are rumors of a Monsters Universe movie series and the ending of Dracula Untold certainly gave the impression that if they do go ahead that Dracula will feature in them, I can only hope as I adore Luke Evans and would love to see more of him as a super sexy vampire hunk.

If you love action packed movies with a fantasy twist this movie is definitely for you.

Overall I rate this movie 7/10      

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