Tuesday 8 July 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

This movie has been out for a couple of weeks now and i actually went to see it a while ago on June 12th at an advanced fan screening as i live in the UK and the film wasn't officially released here until June 20th. I went into this movie unknowing of what to expect as i hadn't read the books and i was slightly apprehensive as to how i would react as i'm not much of a crier when it comes to movies, that being said i absolutely balled my eyes out during and for a good 5 mins after it ended and without giving away any spoilers all i have to say is that its not what you expect.
I have since read the book written by the wonderfully talented John Green, who for you YouTube buffs makes up one half of the VlogBrothers and i really cant decide if i prefer the book or the film adaptation.
I really do think it leaves you with a changed outlook on life and it has now become my latest obsession which is rather unsurprising of me as my list of movie/tv-show/actor obsessions could well add up to its own little infinity, so naturally i have been to see it a second time, who can blame me i mean its as close as i'm going to get to having an Augustus Waters of my own.
As i went to a fan screening i was lucky enough to be given this TFIOS pack of tissues, which i can assure was put to good use on both occasions, along with a fan screening pass, bookmark, and limited edition poster which is currently stuck on the wall next to my bed so that i can just stare at Gus and contemplate why the world is so cruel to have made him a fictional character and not a real person.

All i have left to say now is go and see the film guys, Okay?  

1 comment:

  1. I feel as though I can take personal responsibility for beginning your obsession with this!!! No.1 fans that's what we are hahaha. Okay.
