Wednesday 9 July 2014

Doubts About Going Off To Uni and Growing Up

I've just completed my first year at uni so i know exactly what it feels like to be nervous and apprehensive over the summer before your first time away from home. I was never one of the loud confident people who could go up and talk to anyone and make friends just like that, so one of my greatest fears was not making any friends and everyone hating me, which of course wasn't the case. Something you need to remember is that its most likely that everyone feels the same as you, its not like moving to a new school where everyone already knows each other, you're all in the same boat.

Id recommend making sure you have tickets to all the freshers events as its a great way to meet people and its something to do with your new flatmates to get to know them, i know in my case me and my flatmates literally felt like we had known each other for months after the first night we spent together and i would never have expected that i would become so close with people that fast.

I was really doubtful in the weeks leading up to moving in day and now i just cant imagine how much i would have missed out on if i hadn't gone. Ive met some of my best friends in the entire world there, its really boosted my confidence and i just feel a whole lot more grown up, i know university is about education i mean don't get me wrong all that's important and you have to get your head down and study at times but then again your first year is all about having fun and going wild :p. Believe me i did and its been the best experience ever, i can't wait to go back after summer.
Cheesey as it is, Family not just friends 

Tuesday 8 July 2014

June Favourites


Max Factor FaceFinity 3 in 1 Foundation

  • Primer, Concealer, Foundation all in one, has spf 20 which is perfect for coming into summer, i have it in the shade Warm Almond

Maybelline Super Stay 14 hour lipstick

  • I had wanted a pinky shade lipstick for a while and this is the perfect one for me and it smells so good! its like sour sweets. Mine is #180 in the shade Ultimate Blush.

Maybelline Eye Studio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner

  • This is actually the first gel eyeliner i have owned and i cant believe its taken me so long to discover the sweet satisfaction of the ease of gel liner application, like most girls i struggle so much when it comes to applying eye liner and gel liner has saved me so much time on my makeup routine. I own it in Black for daily use and Black Gold for more of a night time look.

Hair Products

VO5 Heat Protect Styling Spray

  • I apply heat to my hair on a regular basis, i was not blessed with naturally straight hair or controlled curls but a somewhere inbetween wavy frizzy mess so i am always attacking it with a straightener or curler, and as i already have somewhat damaged hair this product is great for me. It does what it says on the tin and absolutley love the smell of it.


  • As you can probably guess from my last post this months favourite is The Fault in Our Stars


  • Again TFIOS but i also want to mention a few of the movies i saw in May and absolutely adored (I know i'm a month behind but just humor me) Pompeii, Godzilla, and Xmen DOFP as i am a huge fan of the Xmen franchise and could ramble on about it forever! i just cant get enough of Fassbender's Magneto!

Tv Show

  • My favourite TV show of June was probably the 100, a show about 100 juveniles who are sent to earth after years of living in space to see if the ground is habitable or not, Bellarke forever. Ofcourse i cant not mention Game of Thrones, each season just gets better and better, it also has dragons so its win win.

The Fault in Our Stars

This movie has been out for a couple of weeks now and i actually went to see it a while ago on June 12th at an advanced fan screening as i live in the UK and the film wasn't officially released here until June 20th. I went into this movie unknowing of what to expect as i hadn't read the books and i was slightly apprehensive as to how i would react as i'm not much of a crier when it comes to movies, that being said i absolutely balled my eyes out during and for a good 5 mins after it ended and without giving away any spoilers all i have to say is that its not what you expect.
I have since read the book written by the wonderfully talented John Green, who for you YouTube buffs makes up one half of the VlogBrothers and i really cant decide if i prefer the book or the film adaptation.
I really do think it leaves you with a changed outlook on life and it has now become my latest obsession which is rather unsurprising of me as my list of movie/tv-show/actor obsessions could well add up to its own little infinity, so naturally i have been to see it a second time, who can blame me i mean its as close as i'm going to get to having an Augustus Waters of my own.
As i went to a fan screening i was lucky enough to be given this TFIOS pack of tissues, which i can assure was put to good use on both occasions, along with a fan screening pass, bookmark, and limited edition poster which is currently stuck on the wall next to my bed so that i can just stare at Gus and contemplate why the world is so cruel to have made him a fictional character and not a real person.

All i have left to say now is go and see the film guys, Okay?