Thursday 10 March 2016

Obsidian Book Talk

Just finished reading Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout and I was not disappointed. Other than he 5th Wave series I haven't really read many alien fiction and I wasn't sure if it would be my thing or not, luckily I decided to give it a go and found another series I can fangirl and geek out over. 

Obsidian follows the story of Katy, she and her Mum recently moved after the death of Katy's father, little does she know that she moves in next door to two aliens. Hot and arrogant Daemon and his sister Dee. When Daemon saves Katy's life he marks her, with the Arum trying to steal Daemons abilities and this mark lighting her up, the only way to keep her safe is if she sticks close by to him.

Let me start off by saying I have never related to a character more than I did with Katy, she has been through some difficult times after losing her Dad which thankfully I can't begin to relate to and I mean appearance wise we are polar opposites, but throughout the book I couldn't help but recognise so many other similarities. 
1) For one she is a book blogger that loves geeking out over fantasy stories! duh. 
2) And she hates and finds embarrassing, the thought of anyone from her real life reading her blog.  
3) Telling yourself that you don't like someone but end up not being able to stay away, no matter how hard you try. Like Katy says lust and love really must be different things.
4) Hitting that point in life where you realise you don't have to take sh*t from anyone.
However unlike Katy I've never met any aliens...that I'm aware of.

Character wise I love our main character Katy and this book also has some lovable side characters like Dee, Daemons twin sister. When it comes to Daemon I have the same feelings as Katy. I'm not sure about him, one minute you think he's suddenly turned a corner and stopped acting like a douche and then BAM he goes back to extreme cockiness, but like Katy I don't want to like him but deep down I do. I also loved the 'baddies' in this book and I did find them very creepy to picture.

I enjoyed reading about all the cool alien powers the Luxen have, even if I am struggling to picture them in their actual form of just light. I really like how they actually included some science behind the Luxen and how they could do things like stop time and manipulate light. 

Obsidian was a fun, exciting, tension filled story, 5/5 on goodreads from me. Looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

My March TBR

I don't have a very long TBR for March because i'm gonna be in another constant battle between reading and university work... Work never seems to win. Hopefully i'll manage to get through these 3 this month: 

1) Lady Midnight - Cassandra Clare
Goodreads Link
So excited for the first book in The Dark Artifices series, it's released on 8th March and I have my special Waterstones UK signed edition pre ordered and I can't wait. This is my most anticipated read for March.

2) The Young Elites - Marie Lu
Goodreads Link
I've heard a lot about the main character in this series being pretty dark and ruthless, something I've never read before. So many times when i'm reading I just wish the character would f*ck sh*t up and just kill the mean big bad guy instead of being merciful (disclaimer:  I obviously wouldn't think the same in REAL life *cough cough* this is how the hunger games starts), so maybe i'll enjoy this book.  

3) Obsidian - Jennifer L Armentrout
Goodreads Link
I hear so much about how everyone enjoys this series and the swoon worthy guys in it, I recently read the White Hot Kiss series by Jennifer and fell absolutely in love and if Roth is anything to go by I can't wait to get stuck into this book.