Saturday 20 February 2016

Glass Sword | Book Talk | Spoiler Free

So I recently finished reading Glass Sword, the second book in the Red Queen series, by the amazing Victoria Aveyard, honestly this woman is such a talented writer. Here are some of my thoughts on the book.

First off I loved Red Queen, so when I tell you I enjoyed Glass Sword even more! I really am saying something.
After the jaw dropping plot twist in Red Queen I didn't know how Victoria could top it, but then WHAM, she reeeeaally knows how to leave you hanging and in a state of emotional distress.

Glass Sword starts right where it left off and kicks off with an action packed bang. In this book we really see the aftermath of book 1, resulting in Mare possessing some understandable trust issues. Trust is a running theme throughout the book and I was just as paranoid as Mare when it came to deciding whether or not I thought a character could be trusted. 

I absolutely adore Shade, Mare's brother, throughout Glass Sword. His newblood ability combined with his unbelievably caring and protective personality made him one of my favourite characters in this book. I also loved Cal in this book, even in Red Queen I was a so called 'Team Cal' advocate, I can't decide if I just want him for myself or if I actually think him and Mare would make a good couple. I have my fingers crossed and hope for the best and we certainly see their relationship develop in certain ways in book 2. For now though i'll stay firmly as Team Mare.

Another thing I really enjoyed about Glass Sword is that we get to see and learn about more red abilities and meet a whole new range of characters. There's action, jaw dropping moments, and a whole lot of badassery!
Don't know how I can possibly wait a whole year to see how the current situation will turn out! Just 2 more books to go in this series and I can't wait to see where this story goes and how it will end. 
5/5 from me!

Thursday 4 February 2016

My Top 5 Fictional Worlds

Turns out a lot of the book I read take lace in dystopian or corrupt worlds, so it was actually harder than I thought to write this post considering that in most of the fictional worlds from my favourite books there is a pretty good chance that I would die...

1) A Court of Thorns and Roses - Love how this world is separated into seasons and it sounds so beautiful, you can just travel around to different places depending what climate you're feeling. Also i'm just dieing to visit the night court, might even bump into Rhysand.

2) Shadowhunters - Who knows maybe it exists but im just a mundane... oh well there's always the opportunity to ascend. I love the all black fashion and the runes, so badass. Or I could be a warlock and be immortal and possess magical abilities. 

3) Lord of The Rings - I desperately want to live with the elves, Lothlorien or Rivendell will do. So beautiful... I basically just want to be an elf.

4) White Hot Kiss - A world filled with demons and gargoyles may sound scary to most people and I'm totally on board if they look like Roth and Zayne. You can just take the occasional trip down to Hell and visit your old pal The Boss. Also how cool would it be to have your very own tattoo familiar!... yes yes I know in this scenario I have decided I am also going to be a demon.

5) Neverland - I'm basically in the middle of a quarter life crisis and it would just be super freaking cool to live in Neverland and be able to fly with Peter Pan using pixie dust and NOT AGE!