I have just read Queen of Shadows, book number 4 in the Throne of Glass series. Throne of Glass is one of my favourite fantasy series and QoS is my new favourite of the series so far, and that is saying a LOT.
There will be SPOILERS in this post, so if you haven't read QoS go and read it now, like RIGHT NOW, because this book is so so so good that words can't describe.
Everything happened in this book, Aelin/Aedion reunion, Aelin/Rowan reunion, even an Aelin/Manon showdown!
This book may have completely shattered the hearts of any Chaolaena shippers out there (Of which I was one) but I'm kinda sorta okay with it considering i'm now sailing happy and proud on the ship that is Rowaelin! I mean they are seriously one HOT couple and whilst I still adore Chaol, well... you know ROWAN.
I liked the line I read somewhere saying how Chaol and Celaena are meant for eachother and so are Aelin and Rowan, because Celaena and Aelin are different people.
There were so many hilarious Rowaelin moments, like the bucket of cold water, the lack of underwear at Arobynns, not to mention the nightgowns. The tension as well when Rowan let slip about the blood oath and Aedion was, well unhappy to say the least, was just great. I loved seeing everyone's reactions to Rowan and Aelin's relationship throughout, they just have such an amazing bond, in fact its a literal bond and they are Caranam! I wonder if they'll develop any other kind of faerie bond, if you know what I mean.
We got introduced to some wonderful new characters, Lysandra who is a shapeshifter and i'm so glad Aelin has a girlfriend to talk to again, Elide who is now looking for Celaena and I can't wait for that encounter, Nesryn who is apparently Chaol's new love interest but I'm not hugely in favor of that ship, we got to see more of Lorcan who I thoroughly dislike, and aslo we got a lot of Arobynn who's demise was also satisfying to watch.

Then there was that intense action packed ending in which I was convinced Chaol or Aedion was going to die. I didn't actually believe Chaol was dead when he supposedly died but when he wakes up later and can't move his legs, my heart literally shattered for him! I mean I want him to walk again but I didn't want him to leave Dorian or Aelin, why have they all split up! No good will come of this I can tell.
Overall I give this book 9.75/10 only because i'm sure the next book in the series will top this one and I can't give an 11. Throne of Glass is a series everyone who loves fantasy must read and as of right now this is my favourite book in the series, definitely making it in my top 10 books.
What are your thoughts on QoS? what shocked and disappointed you?