So as a birthday treat I FINALLY got to go see Jurassic World! And I frigging Loved it. I love the Jurassic franchise, Jurassic Park is actually my favourite film... even if I wasn't actually born when the first movie came out. I absolutely love anything to do with dinosaurs as well, I am in fact the proud owner of many dinosaur toys/figures and 5 Mosasaurus teeth. So I was fairly certain I was gonna love the movie even if by critics standards it wasn't 'good', I mean I know the 2nd and 3rd JP weren't 'good but I personally enjoyed them so... The plot centered around the production of a genetically modified dinosaur named the Indominus Rex, which inevitably escapes and goes on a rampage across the island.
Drawn by me.
So lets talk CHARACTERS, Chris Pratt was awesome in this movie as Owen, he is so talented and not to mention HOT as the charismatic raptor trainer. He is one of those people who is not only a great actor but a genuine and funny person in real life... or so it seems form the interviews I've seen of him. Then we have Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire, I was pleasantly surprised by her character, from the trailers I had seen I was worried she was going to be an annoying stubborn character or even worse the usual obligatory female character who does nothing but scream and get it the way! But she held her own, saved other people and the dynamic between her and Owen was both hilarious at times and hot at others. Then there were the children, Zach and Gary played by Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins. These two brothers were so cute and I really loved the fact that even though Owen and Claire set out to save them, they didn't actually need saving at all and did just fine on their own. Finally I can't not mention Dr. Henry Wu, played by BD Wong, making his return from Jurassic park, I loved this little JP reference.
Drawn by me.
As a whole I thought the film was really well done, special effects were great and I thought they chose a good story line as well. The only thing is that I wasn't 100% sure that I liked that the raptors could be tamed, I remember they were always the scariest and last dinosaur I would want to have come face to face with if I had been at the park. However I liked that the raptor Blue came to the rescue in the end and that the T-Rex conquered all in the end, seeing as the T-Rex is JP's signature dinosaur. The film was thrilling and although it didn't scare me or make me jump, I have heard that other people found it very scary, I'm just not easily scared at the cinema I guess. The film had just the right balance of tense, spine tingling moments and light comic relief moments provided by the characters.
Overall I give this movie a 10/10 but I couldn't imagine myself giving it any less considering what a fan I am. This movie is a great reminiscence of childhood, it's entertaining and didn't disappoint for me. Even if you're not a die hard JP fan it's one of those films that you just have to see, you know everyone is going to be talking about it and trust me you do not want to be left out. What did you think about the movie?
Not my usual blogging content but thought this may be helpful to a few people. So its summer again and that means many of you will be preparing to start your first year of University around September 2015. As a Psychology student having just completed my second year at Uni I thought I could offer some help for those of you worrying about leaving home. I was so nervous to move away from home and having social anxiety I worried that I would not make any friends and find it difficult to talk to anyone. Obviously I know now that I was being silly as I now have amazing friends that I have grown so close too and couldn't imagine having not met them. Going to uni really has boosted my confidence, whilst I still hate talking to new people, I can manage to do it and not come across as nervous and shy. Those of you worrying about money, I would recommend getting a job however I haven't taken my own advice and am currently living in my overdraft. Having an overdraft is okay and you do have time to pay it back after finishing your course, but it honestly is true when people say that once you get in to your overdraft you don't come out... believe me I know. But it is important to remember, when worrying about how your accommodation is expensive and your maintenance loan is small, that you are living in some sort of halls with possibly hundreds of other students and chances are that they are all in the same position so you'll all get through it together... unless you end up with some obscure member of a royal family as your flat mate.
It is important to make the most of your first year because I know from experience that second year is a whole lot harder and takes up more of your time, considering that it actually counts towards your final grade. Go out and make memories, most of the things you will reflect back on about uni when you are older will most likely be memories from your first year. I personally made the most of my first year which is why I left with a large overdraft and a 2:2. So far my second year seems to have been a year long academic hangover form first year. Obviously I should say work hard in first year in order to prepare for year 2 where things get harder, and manage your finances responsibly. But lets face it no one is going to actually take that advice. One of the most important things is to enjoy yourself, I have made life long friends and memories and am glad for the experience i've had so far.
End note, pack a bottle of vodka for your first night of freshers... always better to be prepared (Only if you are over 18, or whatever the legal drinking age for your country is).
Finally finished City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare! I'm SO sad that its over! At least i've got TID to keep me topped up on a shadowhunter high.
Will contain SPOILERS... So many great things happened in this book and it was a great end to the phenomenal series. First off CoHF introduced Emma, Jules, and the rest of the blackthorns in an action packed prologue. I can't wait for The Dark Artifices cos you know there's gonna be hella parabatai forbidden love tension with Emma and Jules. There were also a whole load TID references which I couldn't fully appreciate as I am yet to read the series, but now i'm really excited to get started on them. I really loved that Clary and Jace were finally together like a semi- normal couple and for once there was nothing standing between them! This book was just full of amazing OTP interactions, so much Sizzy, Malec, and Clace. All the scenes in the cave in Edom were amazing, overflowing with bonding and relationship developments, Alec and Jace had a heart to heart and Sizzy had some really cute moments. I mean we finally got some Clace action, after SIX books, SIX! In all seriousness though it was such a cute scene and I just love that Jace remembered to pack a condom, even for a trip into Hell.
Lets talk deaths though. First off was Jordan, now I really did not see this one coming, I mean I know he wasn't a major character but I just wasn't expecting his death when it happened. I felt so bad for Maia and she had the added guilt that she wasn't able to have been honest with him just before he died and it was too late... although that was probably better for Jordan, being dumped and dieing in the same day would've been rough. Secondly we had Raphael, again it was a surprise exit but once again I wasn't that bothered because I never liked him all that much, I know other people did but I always though he was only ever in it for his own gain. I'm sure if I get any back story on him from The Bane Chronicles or something my opinion will change. Lastly, finally, and most satisfyingly was Sebastian AKA Jonathan. I had worked out that the heavenly fire was in Clary's sword and was so pleased she got to be the one to deliver the final blow after all the horrid things he did to her. It was really nice to see him as the boy he would have been though, just before he finally drifted away. It was such a sad scene and reminded you that it wasn't his fault that he was the way he was, whilst he was evil it was all down to Valentine's twisted experiments. I found the ending so intense and so many things started going through my mind, firstly Magnus is going to sacrifice himself and I was like 'noooo', and then Simon offers because he's still just 16 and I was like 'phew', and then Asmodeus wants to take Simon's memory and I was back to 'noooo!'. But when we saw Simon's band's poster called The Mortal Instruments I got such feels and chills, it was so cute. The only thing is that by that point I had come to terms with the whole Simon thing and I do kind of like a bitter sweet and somewhat tragic ending to books sometimes, but then I was really glad for Izzy. And THANK GOD Malec finally reunited and told eachother what they were feeling and got back together, I was so worried that the book would end with Alec having died and leaving poor Magnus distraught and alone, but no, Malec lives on. I loved how happy everyone was at then end, all of them coupled together around the lake and Jace taking the Herondale name. I felt so happy for them that they'd finally come out the other end after so much war and heartbreak. As always I recommend CoHF and obviously the entire series. So glad I decided to join this fandom.
I know I'm insanely late to the TMI fandom but with all this Shadowhunter TV show hype I recently decided to jump on the band wagon and read the book series. I will do an overall review of the series soon as I am almost finished, but for now I thought I'd review City of Glass as it is one of my favourites within the number 1 best selling book series The Mortal Instruments.
Will contain SPOILERS... In City of Glass we finally get to see Idris and really delve into Clary and Jace's unique gifts. We start off with bucket loads of tension still between Clary and Jace... Just the way I like it. For real though only Cassandra Clare could make you both whole heartedly ship incest (Clary&Jace) and then find it revolting (Clary&Sebastian) within the same book. However we do finally find out that thankfully Clary and Jace are in fact not related and can finally stop hiding their feelings in front everyone they know. The story builds up to the immanent war that Valentine starts and Clary manages to stop by joining shadowhunters and downworlders and gets a little help for a certain angel named Raziel.
So lets talk characters, there are a few new secondary characters and then there is the introduction of Sebastian! has to be one of the most hated characters in history but perhaps i'm getting ahead of myself in terms of his role in this book. Sebastian is revealed to be the real Jonathan Morgenstern who has been infused with demon blood and is literally the most aggravating and cruel human being... if you can even call him human. But he does die at then end... *Cough* *Cough* We also say a very sad farewell to Max in this book.
But hey lets talk CLACE! It sounds so wrong but I honestly love how much tension the whole brother sister thing causes! I mean that seen in the Seelie Court in CoA! in CoG though I think my favourite exchanges between them are when Clary first finds Jace in Idris and they have a somewhat heated argument. Then when they get the whitebook from Jace's childhood home and almost cross the incest line so to speak. Thankfully though they aren't related so I don't have to be ashamed of myself for shipping incest! I honestly don't think I would have coped at the end when Jace, shall we say temporarily dies, had I not know that there were another 3 books to go. And ofcourse I can't not mention the amazing Malec scenes we get CoG. When they Alec saves Magnus in Idris and all he can think about is the fact that Magnus didn't call him back! so cute. For me City of Glass definitely achieves a 10/10, as I mentioned already it is one of, if not my favourite in the whole series. I f you are even slightly interested in the fantasy genre then you WILL love this series and you should certainly go out and buy it. What did you think of CoG, which book is your favourite?