Friday 13 May 2016

A Court Of Mist And Fury | Book Review | SPOILER FREE

I've been waiting so so long for this book and it finally arrived! A Court Of Thorns And Roses used to be me favourite book but A Court Of Mist And Fury absolutely blew it out of the park! Like Gaaagh it was so freaking good I want to read it over and over again! Sarah J Maas remains my favourite author!

We get to see Feyre coming to terms with her new immortal body and all the things that come along with it. We find her and Tamlin trying to get back to a normal life after the death of Amarantha but lest we forget Feyre made a certain deal with the High Lord of the Night Court... my favourite book boyfriend RHYSAND!

What I really enjoyed about this book was that we got to see a lot more of the world, we see a lot of the Night court and also the Summer court. We also get to here more about Rhys's back story. The storyline also focuses a lot on the looming threat of war with Hybern and the repercussions of what all the characters went through under the mountain and how it has affected them as people/fae.

This book introduces quite a few new characters who I promise you will come to love! Such great side characters who all have interesting back stories we get to learn.

Haven't even mentioned yet how STEAMY ACOMAF is... and I loved it!

The amzingness of this book is almost too much for me to put in to words, waiting for book 3 will be torturous!
Obviously 5/5 from me... well realistically like 1 billion/5.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Obsidian Book Talk

Just finished reading Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout and I was not disappointed. Other than he 5th Wave series I haven't really read many alien fiction and I wasn't sure if it would be my thing or not, luckily I decided to give it a go and found another series I can fangirl and geek out over. 

Obsidian follows the story of Katy, she and her Mum recently moved after the death of Katy's father, little does she know that she moves in next door to two aliens. Hot and arrogant Daemon and his sister Dee. When Daemon saves Katy's life he marks her, with the Arum trying to steal Daemons abilities and this mark lighting her up, the only way to keep her safe is if she sticks close by to him.

Let me start off by saying I have never related to a character more than I did with Katy, she has been through some difficult times after losing her Dad which thankfully I can't begin to relate to and I mean appearance wise we are polar opposites, but throughout the book I couldn't help but recognise so many other similarities. 
1) For one she is a book blogger that loves geeking out over fantasy stories! duh. 
2) And she hates and finds embarrassing, the thought of anyone from her real life reading her blog.  
3) Telling yourself that you don't like someone but end up not being able to stay away, no matter how hard you try. Like Katy says lust and love really must be different things.
4) Hitting that point in life where you realise you don't have to take sh*t from anyone.
However unlike Katy I've never met any aliens...that I'm aware of.

Character wise I love our main character Katy and this book also has some lovable side characters like Dee, Daemons twin sister. When it comes to Daemon I have the same feelings as Katy. I'm not sure about him, one minute you think he's suddenly turned a corner and stopped acting like a douche and then BAM he goes back to extreme cockiness, but like Katy I don't want to like him but deep down I do. I also loved the 'baddies' in this book and I did find them very creepy to picture.

I enjoyed reading about all the cool alien powers the Luxen have, even if I am struggling to picture them in their actual form of just light. I really like how they actually included some science behind the Luxen and how they could do things like stop time and manipulate light. 

Obsidian was a fun, exciting, tension filled story, 5/5 on goodreads from me. Looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

My March TBR

I don't have a very long TBR for March because i'm gonna be in another constant battle between reading and university work... Work never seems to win. Hopefully i'll manage to get through these 3 this month: 

1) Lady Midnight - Cassandra Clare
Goodreads Link
So excited for the first book in The Dark Artifices series, it's released on 8th March and I have my special Waterstones UK signed edition pre ordered and I can't wait. This is my most anticipated read for March.

2) The Young Elites - Marie Lu
Goodreads Link
I've heard a lot about the main character in this series being pretty dark and ruthless, something I've never read before. So many times when i'm reading I just wish the character would f*ck sh*t up and just kill the mean big bad guy instead of being merciful (disclaimer:  I obviously wouldn't think the same in REAL life *cough cough* this is how the hunger games starts), so maybe i'll enjoy this book.  

3) Obsidian - Jennifer L Armentrout
Goodreads Link
I hear so much about how everyone enjoys this series and the swoon worthy guys in it, I recently read the White Hot Kiss series by Jennifer and fell absolutely in love and if Roth is anything to go by I can't wait to get stuck into this book.


Saturday 20 February 2016

Glass Sword | Book Talk | Spoiler Free

So I recently finished reading Glass Sword, the second book in the Red Queen series, by the amazing Victoria Aveyard, honestly this woman is such a talented writer. Here are some of my thoughts on the book.

First off I loved Red Queen, so when I tell you I enjoyed Glass Sword even more! I really am saying something.
After the jaw dropping plot twist in Red Queen I didn't know how Victoria could top it, but then WHAM, she reeeeaally knows how to leave you hanging and in a state of emotional distress.

Glass Sword starts right where it left off and kicks off with an action packed bang. In this book we really see the aftermath of book 1, resulting in Mare possessing some understandable trust issues. Trust is a running theme throughout the book and I was just as paranoid as Mare when it came to deciding whether or not I thought a character could be trusted. 

I absolutely adore Shade, Mare's brother, throughout Glass Sword. His newblood ability combined with his unbelievably caring and protective personality made him one of my favourite characters in this book. I also loved Cal in this book, even in Red Queen I was a so called 'Team Cal' advocate, I can't decide if I just want him for myself or if I actually think him and Mare would make a good couple. I have my fingers crossed and hope for the best and we certainly see their relationship develop in certain ways in book 2. For now though i'll stay firmly as Team Mare.

Another thing I really enjoyed about Glass Sword is that we get to see and learn about more red abilities and meet a whole new range of characters. There's action, jaw dropping moments, and a whole lot of badassery!
Don't know how I can possibly wait a whole year to see how the current situation will turn out! Just 2 more books to go in this series and I can't wait to see where this story goes and how it will end. 
5/5 from me!

Thursday 4 February 2016

My Top 5 Fictional Worlds

Turns out a lot of the book I read take lace in dystopian or corrupt worlds, so it was actually harder than I thought to write this post considering that in most of the fictional worlds from my favourite books there is a pretty good chance that I would die...

1) A Court of Thorns and Roses - Love how this world is separated into seasons and it sounds so beautiful, you can just travel around to different places depending what climate you're feeling. Also i'm just dieing to visit the night court, might even bump into Rhysand.

2) Shadowhunters - Who knows maybe it exists but im just a mundane... oh well there's always the opportunity to ascend. I love the all black fashion and the runes, so badass. Or I could be a warlock and be immortal and possess magical abilities. 

3) Lord of The Rings - I desperately want to live with the elves, Lothlorien or Rivendell will do. So beautiful... I basically just want to be an elf.

4) White Hot Kiss - A world filled with demons and gargoyles may sound scary to most people and I'm totally on board if they look like Roth and Zayne. You can just take the occasional trip down to Hell and visit your old pal The Boss. Also how cool would it be to have your very own tattoo familiar!... yes yes I know in this scenario I have decided I am also going to be a demon.

5) Neverland - I'm basically in the middle of a quarter life crisis and it would just be super freaking cool to live in Neverland and be able to fly with Peter Pan using pixie dust and NOT AGE!

Monday 11 January 2016

White Hot Kiss | Book Talk | SPOILER FREE

This book came out in 2014 and I can't believe I didn't read it sooner! This book by Jennifer L Armentrout is a fantasy romance novel that I immediately added to my favourites list.

This is a fantasy novel that follows Layla, a half demon half warden 17 yr old. Wardens are gargoyles but don't let that word put you off, wardens have a human form and its usually a pretty good one *wink wink*. Wardens kill demons and protect humans from them (slight Shadowhunter resemblance there). Layla was adopted and now lives with a warden family despite being half demon which makes her life somewhat difficult. For starters she has a major crush on her older adopted brother Zayne but is not a suitable match given her half demon side. She helps the wardens by marking demons so that they are easily found and killed however Layla also has the power to suck out souls, something which happens when she kisses a person. Enter hot demon Roth who coincidentally doesn't have a soul given his demon nature. Layla's world suddenly stops being so black and white and although she knows she should stay away from Roth, his charm and claims to know her secrets just keep pulling her in.

This book has so many twists, turns and revelations that will leave your jaw dropped and not to mention some very very swoon-worthy guys, what more could you want!? I wasn't expecting to be so sucked into this book but I read within 24 hours and my fingers are itching to get into the next book in the series.

I 100% recommend this book, it is my new obsession, 5 stars from me!
Have you read it, what did you think?

Monday 4 January 2016

The 5th Wave Movie Expectations

I read The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey last year and I really really enjoyed it, I don't read a hell of a lot of alien based YA so it was a refreshing and interesting change for me.

If you are are also a fan of all things YA or alien then you likely are aware that The 5th Wave movie adaptation is soon to hit the big screen on the 22nd January, at least that's when it is released in the UK. It is because of this that I wanted to discuss a few thoughts and expectations for this adaptation.

ADAPTATION that is a word I think we strongly need to remember throughout this film, we all know book to movie adaptations are going to change things because you simply can't put everything into a 2 hour visual. Especially with this book I think many things will play out differently simply because of things that happen in the book that I just can;t picture on a movie screen, for example, the pulsating light bomb thingys. Yeah im sure there will be numerous explosions but some things from the book might just look silly on screen.

I also think that in true YA fashion they will play on the love triangle slightly more than the books have thus far, by bringing in more Ben and Cassie interaction because in the book they really don't have that much interaction until the last few chapters. TRUST me if that is the case I will be more than happy because I personally ship what I believe will ultimately be the wrong ship of Bassie. I also thin the actor playing Ben (Nick Robinson) is great and I really loved his performance in Jurassic World so again I think the more we get to see of him will be a good thing.

Another thing I am expecting, after having seen the trailers for the film, is a lot more of the actual invasion and previous 4 waves. Most of what is in the trailer are things that, in the book, took place prior to where Cassie picks up the story and is mostly reflected on in her own personal recollection of events. Personally I am excited about this because the effects look so friggin cool in the trailer and the other waves are actually something I really wish we got more of in the book.

Obviously everything I have written is purely my personal opinion and speculation and I could easily be very wrong about these things. However regardless of anything  am super excited for this film, I love the casting and the trailers look awesome. YA fiction is one of my favourite things so I am sure I am going to love this movie.

What are your hopes or hesitations about the movie adaptation?  

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Most Anticipated Book Releases of 2016

Don't worry, although many of the books are sequels this is a SPOILER FREE post. Here are 6 of my most anticipated books of 2016.

A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2) - Sarah J Maas
Expected Release: 3rd May
If you read my last post you will know that ACOTAR is one of my top books of 2015 and possibly my favourite book full stop. Sarah writes phenomenal characters and creates such amazing fantasy worlds. Still can't believe I have to wait another 5 months!

Glass Sword (Red Queen #2) - Victoria Aveyard
Expected Release: 9th February
Again Red Queen was one of my top 2015 books and the plot twist in this fantasy/dystopian masterpiece has left me in serious need of finding out what is going to happen next!

Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1) - Cassandra Clare
Expected Release: 8th March
I came late to the world of shadowhunters but I am actually glad that I was as this allowed me to binge read TMI AND TID without having to go through the grueling wait for sequels. I love the world of shadowhunters Cassie has created and all the TDA teases in CoHF have gotten me so excited to find out what is going to happen... maybe some forbidden parabatai love *wink wink*

The Beauty of Darkness (The Remnant Chronicles #3) - Mary E Pearson
Expected Release: 2nd August
Bring on summer 2016 now please! I found this series this year and i'm so invested in the story, for the first book in this series Mary put such a unique twist on things and as the story has developed I have fallen in love with a certain male character and I need book #3 asap so I can find out if, as I suspect, I am shipping the wrong ship! *fingers crossed* though.

Throne of Glass #5 - Sarah J Maas

Expected Release: 6th September
Not much is known about this book at all but I am deeply in love with the Throne of Glass series and need more bad ass Celaena.

The Rose and the Dagger (The Wrath and the Dawn #2) - Renee Ahdieh
Expected Release: 3rd May
I'm actually only a few chapters in to The Wrath and the Dawn but from all the hype I've heard around this book i'm thinking book 2 is gonna be highly anticipated. 

Wednesday 23 December 2015

My Top Books of 2015

I read a lot of books throughout the year, here are my favourites that were released in 2015.

A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J Maas
Is possibly my sole favourite book of the year, I love Sarah's writing so so much. This beauty and the beast retelling is utterly amazing and a must read for any fantasy lovers, especially if you enjoy fae related stories. And the men in this book!!!

Red Queen - Victoria Aveyard

Another must read for fantasy/dystopian fans. This book is a combination of magical powers, romance, rebellion, and topped off with one of the biggest plot twists I've ever read.

Queen of Shadows - Sarah J Maas
Again Sarah knows how to write a male character, especially primal fae warriors. Celaena Sardothian is such a strong female character and I love that Sarah can write a romance without the girl always needing the man to save her. QoS is so far my favourite in the Throne of Glass series, each book just gets better and better!

The Heart of Betrayal - Mary E Pearson
I enjoyed the Kiss of Deception but it was book 2 that has really engrossed me in this series and I can't wait for book 3 next year. Runaway princess now turned captive and do I sense possible romance with said character... I hope so!

If you think I've missed any good ones out let me know, also the following 2015 releases are still on my TBR:
  • The Wrath and The Dawn
  • Illuminae 
  • Ice Like Fire
  • The Rose Society

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Top 10 YA Male Fictional Characters

Here is my list of top 10 male characters, believe me it was hard to narrow it down to just 10, let me know if there's anyone you think I've left out.(May contain mild spoilers for A Court of Thorns and Roses,Shatter Me and Red Queen [Numbers 1,4,10])

1) Rhysand - A Court of Thorns and Roses (Technically I think this is New Adult not YA)
I'm sorry all you Tamlin fans but Rhysand is just too hot and mysterious. He also has that whole tortured soul thing going on which I just LOVE! Can't express my excitement for A Court of Mist and Fury... Who's with me?

2) Rowan - Throne of Glass
I'll admit I was team Chaol until Heir of Fire/ Queen of Shadows. Who doesn't love a tall tanned handsome fae warrior. His dedication to Celaena and his awkwardness around her is just so cute.

3) Chaol - Throne of Glass
As I said I was team Chaol up to Crown of Midnight, he was so caring and loving and SEXY! They literally couldn't keep their hands of eachother... don't really know what went wrong in QoS.

4) Warner - Shatter Me
First book you might not get it, I could tell there was gonna be something more though and boy was I right. Warner is so swoon worthy and a bit of a bad boy, most definitely wish I had a Warner of my own.

5) Will - The Infernal Devices
Tortured soul again over here! Always a winner. Again Jem was great and don't get me wrong I absolutely loved him but Will just got to me more.

6) Newt - The Maze Runner
Heartbreakingly cute, the glue. He cared so much for everybody else, and again if you've read the entire series you know he struggled with his time in the maze at the beginning ;( Also Thomas Brodie Sangster 

7) Noah Shaw - The Mara Dyer Series
Another protective and oh so caring boyfriend, all he cared about was helping Mara. A beautiful british hottie, had the whole rolled out of bed scruffy hot mess thing down to a tee.

8) Cole - The Darkest Minds
Cole was Liam's brother and a pretty secondary character but I loved him so much and was not impressed with where his story went. Don't get me wrong i'm totally on board with Ruby and Liam but I just thought Cole and Ruby had such a great dynamic and I really enjoyed reading about him, he had a lot of depth and I wish we could have seen more.

9) Lucien - A Court of Thorns and Roses
Another secondary character but he was so funny and just said everything that we were thinking. All his witty comments about Tamlin and his actions towards Feyre were just hilarious. He seemed a bit of an idiot at the beginning but again he and Feyre developed such a kind and understanding friendship. I'd love more of him in Sarah's next book.

10) Cal - Red Queen
I didn't like Maven to begin with but I do think he may redeem himself in the future, however when it came to him or Cal I opted for the older taller brother. I'm a tall girl so that extra height always matters, it can take a 6 to an 8.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

My November and December TBR

So if you hadn't already noticed I am a huge book worm and love to read therefore as you can imagine my Christmas list this year is full of books I want to read.
Here are the books I am dieing to read before 2016!

1) Poison Study – Maria V Snyder 
    Goodreads Link

2) White Hot Kiss – Jennifer L Armentrout
   Goodreads Link

3) The Wrath and the Dawn – Renee Ahdieh     
   Goodreads Link

4) Born at Midnight – C. C. Hunter    
   Goodreads Link

5) Snow Like Ashes and Ice Like Fire - Sara Raasch    
   Goodreads Link

6) The Young Elites and The Rose Society - Marie Lu     
   Goodreads Link

7) The Assassin's Blade - Sarah J Maas     
   Goodreads Link

Have you guys read any of these books? Did you think they were good? Got anymore recommendations for me to read before the end of 2015!

Friday 30 October 2015

The Kiss of Deception | Book Talk | Spoiler Free

The Kiss of Deception is a YA fantasy story by Mary E Pearson. I was apprehensive with this read at first, despite overall ratings being relatively high for the book I found that it was a Marmite book and people either loved or hated it.

The story follows Lia, a Princess who flees on her wedding day from an arranged marriage to a prince from another kingdom. She settles in a small village and is shortly gifted with the arrival of two handsome young men, however these men know exactly who she is. Not to mention that one man is the prince she was intended to marry and the other an assassin from a rebel group who has been sent to kill her. Both men take affection to her but who will she choose?, will she be killed?, will she discover their true identities? 

What I found particularly interesting about this book is that although we get chapters from the perspective of the prince and the assassin, as the reader we don't know which of the men Lia meets (named Rafe and Kaden) is which. I personally loved trying to work out who was who and admittedly I guessed wrong!

When it comes to shipping in this book I honestly switched between the two guys, I thought I liked one and then after it is finally revealed who is the prince and who is the assassin I decided I liked the other more... I have since read the sequel to this book The Heart of Betrayal and I still ship the guy I liked second with Lia, however i'm sadly not sure that they are the endgame couple.

Overall I think this is an interesting read that i'd give a 3.5/5. It may start slow but the last half/third of the book is great. If you love a good love triangle or trying to puzzle out which character is which this is definitely the book for you. Not forgetting that this book has such a beautiful cover.

Monday 19 October 2015

Red Queen | Book Talk | Spoiler Free

Red Queen has been such a hyped book for 2015 and being a hardcore YA fan I naturally had to pick up this series and start reading!

Red Queen is a dystopian/fantasy novel written by Victoria Aveyard and follows the story of Mare. The story takes place in a split society; the Silvers are the elite and literally have silver blood, as well as possessing insanely awesome special powers eg power over metal and mind control, then there are the Reds who are the bottom of society, they are essentially servants to the silvers and live in slums. The set up of the book is that Mare becomes a servant for the royal silvers and discovers that she has the power of electricity... but she is a Red and Reds don’t have powers. She must then hide her Red blood and is forced by the King to pose as a silver and get engaged to his youngest son Maven. Then of course throw in some hot guys, a mini love triangle and a dash of betrayal, and you’ve got yourself a killer story.

Character wise we have Mare, she is the main character within the story, she's ballsy and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Then we have the oh so handsome princes Maven and Cal. Cal being the elder of the two is heir to the silver palace and appears the ideal candidate to take over, he is a skilled soldier and loyal to the silvers. Maven is the younger prince and less valued in the eyes of his father, unlike Cal he doesn't know whether the current class system should be as it is. At the beginning of this book I was for sure team Cal, I wont tell what I felt at the end in case its a potential spoiler. There are some great 'baddies' within the story, for one the Queen, she is fierce, intimidating, and also has the power to read minds, which makes keeping secrets hard.    

I love everything about this book, the characters, the world, the powers. I was so immersed in this world, it was filled with romance, some action, tension, and a great big PLOT TWIST... which Oh my wow! This is another must read especially for any fans of dystopian stories.

As ever I highly highly recommend, this book lives up to its hype and won't disappoint. I give it a 8.5/10. 

Friday 9 October 2015

5 Things You Will Read In Every YA Novel

If you couldn't tell already I am a  huge fangirl when it comes to YA fantasy/sci fi and whatever else. I am a self confessed bookworm and proud. That being so has meant I have read numerous of these books and found some themes appear on a regular basis in many of them.

So here are 5 things you will come across more often than not...

1) More often than not you will find some variation of the      phrase 'I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding'

2) I am almost positive you will come across a handsome          stranger with black hair and glistening blue eyes

3) The main character will likely mention their fondness for    reading and love of fantastical stories

4) The main protagonist will then more than likely stumble      across a magnificent library and be lost for words

5) You will come across a cold tortured soul who is extremely    misunderstood but good hearted deep down... also they will    be very very attractive 

By no means am I criticising any books that do this, these are things that I love about the books and can't get enough of... hence why I read so damn much! *cough* *cough* check out my Instagram if you don't believe me. 
If you've noticed any other recurring themes or have any book suggestions for me PLEASE let me know.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Queen of Shadows | Book Talk

So I have been reading non stop this entire summer and discovered one of my favourite if not the favourite of my top authors, who you ask... The answer is the amazing Sarah J Maas!

I have just read Queen of Shadows, book number 4 in the Throne of Glass series. Throne of Glass is one of my favourite fantasy series and QoS is my new favourite of the series so far, and that is saying a LOT.

There will be SPOILERS in this post, so if you haven't read QoS go and read it now, like RIGHT NOW, because this book is so so so good that words can't describe.

Everything happened in this book, Aelin/Aedion reunion, Aelin/Rowan reunion, even an Aelin/Manon showdown!
This book may have completely shattered the hearts of any Chaolaena shippers out there (Of which I was one) but I'm kinda sorta okay with it considering i'm now sailing happy and proud on the ship that is Rowaelin! I mean they are seriously one HOT couple and whilst I still adore Chaol, well... you know ROWAN.
I liked the line I read somewhere saying how Chaol and Celaena are meant for eachother and so are Aelin and Rowan, because Celaena and Aelin are different people.

There were so many hilarious Rowaelin moments, like the bucket of cold water, the lack of underwear at Arobynns, not to mention the nightgowns. The tension as well when Rowan let slip about the blood oath and Aedion was, well unhappy to say the least, was just great. I loved seeing everyone's reactions to Rowan and Aelin's relationship throughout, they just have such an amazing bond, in fact its a literal bond and they are Caranam! I wonder if they'll develop any other kind of faerie bond, if you know what I mean.  

We got introduced to some wonderful new characters, Lysandra who is a shapeshifter and i'm so glad Aelin has a girlfriend to talk to again, Elide who is now looking for Celaena and I can't wait for that encounter, Nesryn who is apparently Chaol's new love interest but I'm not hugely in favor of that ship, we got to see more of Lorcan who I thoroughly dislike, and aslo we got a lot of Arobynn who's demise was also satisfying to watch.

Thank God we finally got to save Dorian and Manon isn't taking shit from anybody. I sense a possible spark between those two... am I right? and the King is dead! I don't buy what he said about the Valg King being in the Duke though, there is definitely something fishy going on with that. I also thoroughly enjoyed Kaltain finally getting her revenge and redemption and totally kicking butt.

Then there was that intense action packed ending in which I was convinced Chaol or Aedion was going to die. I didn't actually believe Chaol was dead when he supposedly died but when he wakes up later and can't move his legs, my heart literally shattered for him! I mean I want him to walk again but I didn't want him to leave Dorian or Aelin, why have they all split up! No good will come of this I can tell.

Overall I give this book 9.75/10 only because i'm sure the next book in the series will top this one and I can't give an 11. Throne of Glass is a series everyone who loves fantasy must read and as of right now this is my favourite book in the series, definitely making it in my top 10 books.
What are your thoughts on QoS? what shocked and disappointed you?

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Jurassic World | Movie Review

So as a birthday treat I FINALLY got to go see Jurassic World! And I frigging Loved it.

I love the Jurassic franchise, Jurassic Park is actually my favourite film... even if I wasn't actually born when the first movie came out. I absolutely love anything to do with dinosaurs as well, I am in fact the proud owner of many dinosaur toys/figures and 5 Mosasaurus teeth. So I was fairly certain I was gonna love the movie even if by critics standards it wasn't 'good', I mean I know the 2nd and 3rd JP weren't 'good but I personally enjoyed them so... 

The plot centered around the production of a genetically modified dinosaur named the Indominus Rex, which inevitably escapes and goes on a rampage across the island.

Drawn by me.
So lets talk CHARACTERS, Chris Pratt was awesome in this movie as Owen, he is so talented and not to mention HOT as the charismatic raptor trainer. He is one of those people who is not only a great actor but a genuine and funny person in real life... or so it seems form the interviews I've seen of him. Then we have Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire, I was pleasantly surprised by her character, from the trailers I had seen I was worried she was going to be an annoying stubborn character or even worse the usual obligatory female character who does nothing but scream and get it the way! But she held her own, saved other people and the dynamic between her and Owen was both hilarious at times and hot at others. Then there were the children, Zach and Gary played by Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins. These two brothers were so cute and I really loved the fact that even though Owen and Claire set out to save them, they didn't actually need saving at all and did just fine on their own. Finally I can't not mention Dr. Henry Wu, played by BD Wong, making his return from Jurassic park, I loved this little JP reference.

Drawn by me. 
As a whole I thought the film was really well done, special effects were great and I thought they chose a good story line as well. The only thing is that I wasn't 100% sure that I liked that the raptors could be tamed, I remember they were always the scariest and last dinosaur I would want to have come face to face with if I had been at the park. However I liked that the raptor Blue came to the rescue in the end and that the T-Rex conquered all in the end, seeing as the T-Rex is JP's signature dinosaur. The film was thrilling and although it didn't scare me or make me jump, I have heard that other people found it very scary, I'm just not easily scared at the cinema I guess. The film had just the right balance of tense, spine tingling moments and light comic relief moments provided by the characters.

Overall I give this movie a 10/10 but I couldn't imagine myself giving it any less considering what a fan I am. This movie is a great reminiscence of childhood, it's entertaining and didn't disappoint for me. Even if you're not a die hard JP fan it's one of those films that you just have to see, you know everyone is going to be talking about it and trust me you do not want to be left out.
What did you think about the movie? 

Thursday 18 June 2015

University Doubt and Apprehension

Not my usual blogging content but thought this may be helpful to a few people.

So its summer again and that means many of you will be preparing to start your first year of University around September 2015. As a Psychology student having just completed my second year at Uni I thought I could offer some help for those of you worrying about leaving home.

I was so nervous to move away from home and having social anxiety I worried that I would not make any friends and find it difficult to talk to anyone. Obviously I know now that I was being silly as I now have amazing friends that I have grown so close too and couldn't imagine having not met them.
Going to uni really has boosted my confidence, whilst I still hate talking to new people, I can manage to do it and not come across as nervous and shy.

Those of you worrying about money, I would recommend getting a job however I haven't taken my own advice and am currently living in my overdraft. Having an overdraft is okay and you do have time to pay it back after finishing your course, but it honestly is true when people say that once you get in to your overdraft you don't come out... believe me I know. But it is important to remember, when worrying about how your accommodation is expensive and your maintenance loan is small, that you are living in some sort of halls with possibly hundreds of other students and chances are that they are all in the same position so you'll all get through it together... unless you end up with some obscure member of a royal family as your flat mate.

It is important to make the most of your first year because I know from experience that second year is a whole lot harder and takes up more of your time, considering that it actually counts towards your final grade. Go out and make memories, most of the things you will reflect back on about uni when you are older will most likely be memories from your first year. I personally made the most of my first year which is why I left with a large overdraft and a 2:2. So far my second year seems to have been a year long academic hangover form first year.

Obviously I should say work hard in first year in order to prepare for year 2 where things get harder, and manage your finances responsibly. But lets face it no one is going to actually take that advice. One of the most important things is to enjoy yourself, I have made life long friends and memories and am glad for the experience i've had so far.

End note, pack a bottle of vodka for your first night of freshers... always better to be prepared (Only if you are over 18, or whatever the legal drinking age for your country is).

Wednesday 10 June 2015

City of Heavenly Fire | Book Review

Finally finished City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare! I'm SO sad that its over! At least i've got TID to keep me topped up on a shadowhunter high.

Will contain SPOILERS...

So many great things happened in this book and it was a great end to the phenomenal series. First off CoHF introduced Emma, Jules, and the rest of the blackthorns in an action packed prologue. I can't wait for The Dark Artifices cos you know there's gonna be hella parabatai forbidden love tension with Emma and Jules. There were also a whole load TID references which I couldn't fully appreciate as I am yet to read the series, but now i'm really excited to get started on them.  

I really loved that Clary and Jace were finally together like a semi- normal couple and for once there was nothing standing between them! This book was just full of amazing OTP interactions, so much Sizzy, Malec, and Clace. All the scenes in the cave in Edom were amazing, overflowing with bonding and relationship developments, Alec and Jace had a heart to heart and Sizzy had some really cute moments. I mean we finally got some Clace action, after SIX books, SIX! In all seriousness though it was such a cute scene and I just love that Jace remembered to pack a condom, even for a trip into Hell.

Lets talk deaths though. First off was Jordan, now I really did not see this one coming, I
mean I know he wasn't a major character but I just wasn't expecting his death when it happened. I felt so bad for Maia and she had the added guilt that she wasn't able to have been honest with him just before he died and it was too late... although that was probably better for Jordan, being dumped and dieing in the same day would've been rough. Secondly we had Raphael, again it was a surprise exit but once again I wasn't that bothered because I never liked him all that much, I know other people did but I always though he was only ever in it for his own gain. I'm sure if I get any back story on him from The Bane Chronicles or something my opinion will change. Lastly, finally, and most satisfyingly was Sebastian AKA Jonathan. I had worked out that the heavenly fire was in Clary's sword and was so pleased she got to be the one to deliver the final blow after all the horrid things he did to her. It was really nice to see him as the boy he would have been though, just before he finally drifted away. It was such a sad scene and reminded you that it wasn't his fault that he was the way he was, whilst he was evil it was all down to Valentine's twisted experiments.  

I found the ending so intense and so many things started going through my mind, firstly Magnus is going to sacrifice himself and I was like 'noooo', and then Simon offers because he's still just 16 and I was like 'phew', and then Asmodeus wants to take Simon's memory and I was back to 'noooo!'. But when we saw Simon's band's poster called The Mortal Instruments I got such feels and chills, it was so cute. The only thing is that by that point I had come to terms with the whole Simon thing and I do kind of like a bitter sweet and somewhat tragic ending to books sometimes, but then I was really glad for Izzy. And THANK GOD Malec finally reunited and told eachother what they were feeling and got back together, I was so worried that the book would end with Alec having died and leaving poor Magnus distraught and alone, but no, Malec lives on.

I loved how happy everyone was at then end, all of them coupled together around the lake and Jace taking the Herondale name. I felt so happy for them that they'd finally come out the other end after so much war and heartbreak. As always I recommend CoHF and obviously the entire series. So glad I decided to join this fandom.