Tuesday 5 August 2014

Day Trip To The Zoo

I went to Cotswold Wildlife Park last month and despite being 19 years old i still love going to the zoo and channeling my inner child. I only had my phone to take pictures but they still came out pretty good.
I loved seeing the Lions as i feel like i hardly ever get to see them on a usual visit because they're always so far away.
I also loved the Otters, it was quite early in the morning as you can probably tell, doesn't look like they've quite woken up yet. soo cute ^.^

We went through the Lemur walk-through and got some really close up pics aswell but they were darting about so fast some of the pictures came out a little blurry.

Also got really close to the giraffes in their enclosure, they were so entrigued by us and got so close i could have reached out and touched them, i didnt though, might have been a tiny bit scared they were going to bite my hand off :p